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Make your dreams come true with Dabeeo.

Dabeeo's Core Values

We exist to push the limits of technology, and we constantly challenge ourselves.


We always communicate and discuss together
for better answers.
Dabeeo's teamwork comes from a culture of respecting each other's
points of view and communicating 'together' without obstruction.


Dabeeo creates 'results' in any circumstance.
A clear sense of purpose and a high level
of responsibility built into the members are
driving force
for producing results
in any circumstance.


We will continue to strive to support you
so that you do not have to worry about anything other than your work.
Dabeeo wants to minimize the elements that bother concentration
so that team members can be ‘fully concentrated’ on their work.

Together Result​ Engross

How Dabeeo

How Dabeeo Works

Horizontal culture without rank

Dabeeo does not have a formal hierarchy of positions,
but there are positions such as the company's CEO/CPO
and leader by position.
Leaders inspire their teams and provide direction
and vision, and help members achieve outstanding results.

How Dabeeo Works

Using English names

Do not add "nim"(a way to call elders in Korean),
when using English names.
We use titles in English or call English names
to encourage a comfortable and natural dialogue
with everyone without any sense of hierarchy.

How Dabeeo Works

Share all information

Dabeeo discloses all information
transparently to everyone.
We support and operate internal services
to facilitate work and communication efficiently.

Dabeeo's interview

You can participate in project leading
while communicating with various domestic and international customers,
allowing you to explore and learn from various experiences.

Hanna (Sales/Marketing)

Dabeeo's interview

Developers are free to manage their own development
and give every opportunity to study and implement unique ideas.

Scott (Team for Development)

Dabeeo's interview

There is a culture of hard work, and you
can tell that
team members and employees
are pursuing the same objectives.
As you develop and learn together,
you can gain a lot of experience.

Eric (HR group)

Dabeeo's interview

You can think together to solve problems
and grow through various studies.
Experience the process of personal development leading to corporate growth.
Research results can be commercialized
and used by consumers.

Karl (Research Team)

Dabeeo's interview

As a developer, you have a lot of
opportunities to experiment with
new technologies.
Because everyone is
friendly and cooperative,
you can always
ask for help when you encounter problems.

Woody (Team for Development)

Life of Dabeeo

  • Flexible time

    We provide a perfect work environment for you by autonomously showing up at work between 8 AM and 10 AM.

  • Relaxing lunchtime

    Guarantee an hour and a half at lunchtime for your break.

  • Refreshing Holiday

    Allowing you to relax through a refreshing holiday for the period you work, one year, three years, and five years.

  • Family day & Birthday

    Our company will have a policy allowing employees to leave early on family day, once a month, and on their birthday.

TEAM dabeeo

If you are willing to join our Team,
you are always welcome to contact us :)